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One Day Marketing Strategy
Team Meeting

I've devised a simple 6-step marketing framework, meaning that in one day you'll walk away with a solid marketing plan detailing the following:


  • a one-line proposition; to clarify what your business offers and the problem it solves for your ideal customers.


  • a specific target customer profile, identifying where they hang out and the key messages that attract them, based on their specific problems (pain points). 


  • ideas to generate leads that are valuable.


  • a lead nurturing solution, to keep prospects 'warm' and engaged.


  • Ideas on how to convert those prospects into customers and then cross-sell and upsell. 


  • The value of reviews and advocates  


This marketing plan will help you grow your business and ensure you're targeting the right people, in the right place, with the right message at the right time. 


(Please note that the execution of any ideas is an additional service and cost).

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